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Plant Geneticist Job in Indore

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Job Description

Job Role : Plant Geneticist


  • Conduct research and experiments to study plant genetics and heredity
  • Develop and implement breeding strategies to create new plant varieties with desirable traits
  • Utilize various techniques, including molecular markers and genetic modification, to manipulate plant genes and enhance desired traits
  • Collaborate with a team of researchers and biotechnologists to identify genetic markers linked to specific traits and accelerate the breeding process
  • Analyze and interpret data obtained from genetic studies

Employer :

How to Apply : Interested candidates can Register and Apply at

: AgriRecruiters.Com
Candidate Profile


  • Ability to handle complex and extensive genetic data sets
  • Good communication skills
  • Collaboration skills
  • A passion for agriculture

Education - Master's Degree or Ph.D. in Plant Genetics, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology

Indore,Madhya Pradesh
B.Sc. Plant Breeding & Genetics